Rekrutacja letnia - rok akademicki 2024-2025

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Business analytics and data science (BA)

Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Ekonomiczny
Kierunek studiów Business analytics and data science
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Limit miejsc 42
Czas trwania 3 lata
Wymagany dokument
  • Matury
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Tura 1 (17.04.2024 00:00 – 10.07.2024 23:59)

What is it about?

Business Analytics and Data Science combines information technology and business knowledge to make an ideal study option with guaranty of ambition career perspective and satisfaction from studying. It is the combination of academic rigor and practical relevance utilized for the management decision supporting based on machine and mind approach. It is about utilizing a practical statistics and data mining and modeling in order to deliver a new insight for the business. It is about the influence through business intelligence for the most important processes in enterprise, as strategical planning, running data processing and operational management.

Students will not only be trained in the field of data analysis and business intelligence in terms of high professional skills but will also become part of the multicultural society of the university campus. The choice of elective modules allows you to customize the program to meet your personal career ambitions. During their studies students will develop skills needed in the work of an analyst (e.g. Analytical Project, Soft Skills and Communication Training, Business Simulation). The program includes a 1-month internship that allows students to gain professional practical experience during their studies. Znalezienie firmy do odbycia praktyki należy do samodzielnych obowiązków studenta – Uniwersytet nie zapewnia miejsc na praktyki, choć pomaga w ich znalezieniu. Students will be introduced, among others, to business simulations reflecting the dynamics of economic processes that will help them make decisions and observe results.

What to expect?

  • Lectures and seminars: You will receive a solid dose of knowledge from experienced lecturers and business practitioners.
  • Flexible class organisation: We plan your classes so that some of them take place remotely. You also have the option to enrol yourself in selected class groups, seminars and lectures.
  • Analytical workshops: You will learn to use professional analytical tools, statistical and econometric programmes. You will learn how to use artificial intelligence in business analytics.
  • Interactive business simulations: You will take on the role of an entrepreneur and tackle real business challenges in a safe simulation environment.
  • Group projects: Working with other students, you will develop teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Study abroad: Already after the first semester, you have the opportunity to go to one of the dozens of Erasmus+ partner universities to study.
  • Relational capital: A business project or a holiday in Spain, Brazil or Tanzania? You will meet students from all over the world with us. This gives us the chance to make contacts already during your studies that you will definitely use in the future.
  • Research clubs and student organisations: You can actively participate in the life of the university and shape your future career.
  • Safety and low cost of living: Lublin is one of the most internationalised cities in Poland, home for over 8,000 international students from over 100 countries. We bet that colleagues from your or neighbouring countries are already here. Lublin combines the comfort of living in the city with a high standard of education and the below-average cost of studying. See more:


We do not offer any minors (specialisations) on this course. However, you can design your learning path by choosing the subjects that interest you more during your studies from a pool of available electives in Polish and English. A minimum of 20 students is required to start a subject. If there is more interest than the number of available places, the grade average obtained by the end of the semester preceding the selection of the subject is decisive. It is therefore worth learning from the first semester.

When you graduate

A graduate of Business Analytics and Data Science may find employment in a variety of industries and business entities (e.g. enterprises, banks insurance companies, research centers, marketing agencies and consulting firms) in the following positions: Business Analyst, Database Analyst, Financial Analyst, Business Operations Analyst, Market Research Analyst. They can also continue studies in Business Analytics and Data Science Master’s Degree Program. The program is dedicated mainly to foreigners. Your studies will also prepare you for running your own business with a solid foundation of economic knowledge and practical skills.

Why us?

By choosing Business Analytics and Data Science at the Faculty of Economics, you are investing in your future, gaining not only knowledge but also practical skills that are sought after on the job market. This is a course for those who want to have a real impact on the modern economy using the power of data. One of the pillars of the Lublin 2030 Strategy is the development of the modern business services sector (BPO/SSC/IT), which already employs more than 9,000 people in Lublin only. For data analysts, they create attractive jobs and offer the opportunity to work in international teams and for global clients. Already during your studies, you can get to know the specifics of working in the industry by doing an internship, and then stay in Lublin or find employment elsewhere in Poland or the world. According to an analysis by the Just Join IT portal, in 2022 the number of job offers for business analysts in Poland increased by 2.5 times compared to the previous year, and their salaries increased by 17% (

The offered programme of the Business Analyst and Data Science major is continuously updated by us together with business practitioners. Details of the study programme can be found on the website of the Faculty of Economics of the UMCS:,25085.htm

Qualification rules

  1. Admission is open to both Polish citizens and international students.
  2. The programme is offered on a tuition fee-paying basis (TERMS OF ADMISSION HERE) to candidates holding a high school diploma or any other equivalent degree which entitles them to undertake the Bachelor’s degree programme in the country where the documents were issued.
    NB: Polish and EU citizens as well as other candidates following the regulations pertaining to Polish citizens can study free of charge within the set limit of available places. There are 2 places offered without the tuition fee for such candidates. Admission will  be granted on a "first come, first served" basis until available places have been filled. Recruitment timetable for studies without the tuition fee will be updated soon.
  3. A candidate must submit a complete set of application documents (visit Application procedure Tab), including the certificate proving the applicant’s English language skills (list of recognized certificates: ) or a document confirming that the Education was fully conducted in English (issued by the school/University) and/or based on an interview in English.
  4. Registration is open within the admission period or until all the vacancies are filled.
  5. Academic documents should be translated into Polish. Visit the database of recognized sworn translators in Poland HERE.
  6. Recognition certificate issued by the Board of Education in Poland (pl Kuratorium Oświaty)
    NB: Please contact the Admissions Office for further guidance.

The required registration fee payment is PLN 85. Please check the instructions on how to make a payment in the system.

Tuition fee:
1st year € 3200
2nd year € 3200
3rd year € 3200

Admission enquiries: