Unia Europejska

Rekrutacja - rok akademicki 2024-2025

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IT Cyber security

Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Politologii i Dziennikarstwa
Kierunek studiów IT Cyber security
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Drugiego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Limit miejsc 20
Wymagany dokument
  • Wyższe
  Zadaj pytanie
Tura 1 (17.04.2024 00:00 – 20.09.2024 23:59)

IT Cyber Security is a program for those who wish to combine knowledge of computer science with knowledge of political science and administration.

The knowledge related to political science and administration includes:

  1. the place of cybersecurity in the contemporary understanding of security;
  2. the complexity of security threats in cyberspace;
  3. diversity of areas of activities to ensure security in cyberspace, taking into account political science, but also legal, economic and sociological approaches.

Knowledge related to computer science includes:

  1. The principles of operation of the operating system, its tasks and weaknesses;
  2. basic programming structures and rules of designing programming scripts;
  3. functioning of web applications and knowledge about the basic weaknesses of web applications;
  4. principles of operation of computer networks and, weaknesses of protocols and mechanisms operating in all layers of the OSI model;
  5. principles and best practices for safe web application programming;
  6. principles of operation of cryptographic modules and the manner of their application in IT Systems;
  7. the process of performing penetration tests and ability to describe each stage;
  8. standards for information security management.

Computer science skills include:

  1. efficient performance of tasks in the Linux operating system; 2) designing a simple algorithm and creating its implementation using Python;
  2. conducting security tests for Web applications based on the OWASP standard;
  3. analyzing the weaknesses of the computer network and applying a security mechanism to protect against potential attacks;
  4. finding security bugs in web applications and applying corrections to eliminate them;
  5. performance of the required analysis regarding the application of cryptographic methods and the use of appropriate cryptographic modules;
  6. performing all stages of penetration testing;
  7. creating process documentation of the IT system and conducting a risk analysis of such a system.


Qualification rules

  1. Admission is open to both Polish citizens and international students.

  2. Programme is offered on a tuition fee-paying basis to candidates holding a bachelor degree or any other equivalent degree which entitles them to undertake the Master’s degree programme in the country where the documents were issued.

  3. A candidate must submit a complete set of application documents (visit Application Procedure Tab), including the certificate proving the applicant’s English language skills (list of recognized certificates: https://rekrutacja.umcs.pl/en/language-proficiency-certifications/) or a document confirming that the Education was fully conducted in English (issued by the school/University) and/or based on an interview in English.

  4. Registration is open within the admission period or until all the vacancies are filled.

  5. Academic documents should be translated into Polish. Visit database of recognized sworn translators in Poland HERE.
    NB: Please contact the Admissions Office for further guidance.

The required registration fee payment is PLN 85. Please check the instructions on how to make a payment in the system.

Tuition fee:
1st year € 3520
2nd year € 3300

Admission enquiries: studyinenglish@umcs.pl